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The Master's Voice

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me


Heeding The Call....

Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body.”  (Matthew 6:22). When I think about this verse it makes a great deal of sense. When we look into someone’s eyes we can know far more about them than anything they can say.  We can see joy, pleasure, delight, anticipation, happiness, among other expressions.  But we can also see despair, sorrow, fear, loneliness, anxiety, hopelessness.

This is never truer than when we look into the eyes of an abandoned child and see the utter hopelessness they reflect.  The orphanages of Asia are full of such children, and even worse, are the children with medical conditions which make then unadoptable. The only future they have is to sit in a corner until their medical condition overtakes them and they die.

This is where The Master’s Voice International is called to respond; to this urgent need.  With the ground work already laid we intend, with the help of our Lord and Savior, to rescue some of these forgotten children and bring them to the hospital for life saving medical care.  With God’s help we will get them adopted into Christian homes.

We see this as the first project of our ministry.  There are other projects God has given us, and we will accomplish them as He leads and provides the means.  But, after much prayer, we believe this as our starting point.




Welcome to The Master's Voice International


Mission Statement

The Master’s Voice International Ministry is a non-profit organization in existence solely for the purpose of bringing the love, hope and healing of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting World.